What is our Soul Consciousness? - with Lisa Hagenbuch
Every lifetime our soul chooses a new consciousness to walk through life with, and this can affect how we see things as we live our life. This consciousness is part of our soul's plan along with life purpose, skills, past life karma, etc to walk this lifetime's path. Many times we can see it in the astrological birth chart, but the soul consciousness can be quite different as we see in twins. Their charts are similar, but they can be very different people. During this wonderful discussion with Astrologer Lisa Hagenbuch and the Druids channeled by Katherine Flynn, learn more about this interesting topic.
Questions asked include:
1. How are the different consciousnesses and personalities connected throughout each lifetime?
2. Higher Self, Soul Consciousness and Personalities are different, how do they work together?
3. If we concentrate on healing, releasing, or aligning energies, will that impact other lifetimes?
4. How does free will and personality impact our soul’s fate?
5. How does the life purpose show up in the astrological birth chart?
6. What are the best ways to clear these deep seeded issues that affect the soul consciousness?
7. As we clear something in this lifetime, does that clear it in the soul realm, or do they have to be cleared at the same time?
8. What is the best way to clear this energy, is it through intention?