What People are Saying


“The moment she told me to close my eyes, I felt a rush of energy go through my body!  I knew that she was working on me, and the best part was it felt very deep, like she was lifting years and lifetimes worth of sludge and stuck energy that I had not been able to clear on my own , and I'm an energy healer!  

I felt the familiar tingling and relaxation, I went into a trance and when she finished, I literally thought I was there for 45 min, and it was less than 15. It was deeply rooted, connected and very enlightening.  Katherine has a way of identifying where the issue is, then using her unique and very acute skills to alleviate it, clear the energy, and left me feeling refreshed, uplifted, empowered and hopeful about what is to come.  I have had a ton of new shifts in my life since my healing with Katherine, and I am so grateful that she was available when I needed her.  She's incredibly talented , intuitive and skilled and it's very obvious to me that she has done this type of healing for lifetimes.  I highly recommend Katherine for energy healing. It will leave you feeling renewed, aligned and ready for whatever new exciting adventure awaits you!” 

-Leigh Ann Mills, Energy Healer,  Jikiden Reiki Shihan -kaku practitioner/teacher

“I have been healthy and an athlete most of my life. I always believed that my body would heal itself. Fast forward to the most challenging healthcare year!  I had two very big surgeries and was still reeling from the rehab and recovery of an abdomen and knee surgery back to back. I laid down and the moment I closed my eyes, I could feel a rush of energy so strong, that I almost felt overwhelmed...almost as if it was too much at first, but as I surrendered to it, the energy began to expand and embrace me.  My feeling of being overwhelmed subsided, and I was able to relax into a deep trance. I felt the waves of energy flowing over and through me as years of heaviness and burdens were whisked away in an instant. I felt the energy through out the session.

I highly recommend Katherine and her method of healing energy.  I felt totally supported and when I got up after the session, I remember thinking how light I felt, which was something I had not felt in a long time.  I greatly enjoyed it! Thanks so much for lifting that heaviness off of my body, mind and spirit!

- Barb - Illinois

Katherine ‘WOWED’ me recently with her unique abilities! Our session began with a channeled message, from the Druids. It felt like ‘Truth’ - a magic ride through a current life circumstance and how to best navigate this circumstance which was preparing me for living my life purpose. I asked a few questions for clarification. How could I apply this ‘big picture’ information to action steps on the ground? 

Katherine then stepped in with vivid recall of the message. She provided clarification, answered questions and filled in the gaps of the message in plain English. This combination left me feeling relieved, empowered, with an overall sense of calm. I was armed with knowledge of how and when to take action, and where to stop spinning my wheels.  She is a clear channel of spiritual wisdom with an adept ability to help you practically apply this wisdom to your everyday life.

~In Deepest Gratitude, Lisa

Katherine’s channeling skills are nothing short of incredible.   I have been so fortunate to have had a few sessions with Katherine and each time the messages have been very informative, detailed, and filled with personalized guidance for me at this point on my journey.   An intuitive myself, I had been getting information in bits and pieces and the sessions with Katherine, confirmed the guidance I had gotten, but I must add, the information she channeled gave me much more insight and clarity on topics, as well as in some cases, steps to take.   

In addition to the general messages provided, I received answers to some very specific questions I asked.   Thank you, Katherine!    I am already looking forward to another session, once I expand my awareness a bit more from everything shared in messages already received.

– Dianne, Illinois

Katherine was doing readings at a charity event I attended recently. Given the setting and brief amount of time, my expectation was something light and and fun. Imagine my surprise when Katherine immediately addressed a concern and a question I had been pondering. My experience with Katie was warm, uplifting and positive. Katherine truly has a special gift and I look forward to seeing her again. Thank you Katherine!

- Mary Ellen, Illinois

The messages I received through Katherine have been life changing. I now see Katherine about once a month and I look forward to hear her messages that she has for me and it's always exactly what I need to hear. The information that Katie relays is a major support in my life. What a blessing! So Thank You!!!!

- Vanessa, Illinois

My first experience with Katherine’s gifts was in November 2016. When we met, she explained how her channeling works and then she took a moment to channel her spirit guides. Her breathing changed and her posture transformed. I could see that her vibration and essence was not the usual, and then she began to speak.

Before coming to meet with Katherine that day, I really had no idea what would happen but I had a couple of questions that I was ready to ask. I kept those questions in my heart and you could imagine my surprise when the very first words from Katherine’s mouth were the very words I needed to hear. I couldn’t believe it. I listened so carefully to the message and began to tear up. There was no doubt that this message was coming from a divine source and the words healed my broken heart, or at least got me on the road to healing. 

There was a second part of the message which touched upon my other questions as well, without having to ask them. Towards the end, I even had the chance to directly ask a few questions of my own. I asked about my spirit guides and learned that I have many, including my late Grandpa Frank who died many years ago. Katherine could not have known about certain details without the help of her guides. 

At a certain point, her spirit guide pulled out of her body and Katherine was back. We talked a bit about what had just happened and Katherine was able to give me some additional insight into the meaning of the message and how she interpreted it. She is able recall some of the channeling session immediately afterwards but it gradually fades, as if you are trying to hold onto a dream after just waking up. 

I feel truly blessed to have been able to receive such a message from above and I’m fortunate that Katherine allowed me to record the session so that I could listen to it again closely and take what I can from it. Each time I listen to it I hear something new. 

If you are looking to get in touch with your spiritual side, have some questions that need answers, or just want to know what messages await you, Katherine has a gift that I'm certain can bring enlightenment to you as well.

- Amy, Illinois

Every Life Has a Purpose.  Discover Yours.

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