Unleash Your Creativity -Ask the Druids with Jocelyn Bates
Creativity is energy of new life and the more we can connect to our creative side and allow our soul to explore new ways of doing and being. Your creativity allows you to experience the energy of new life and see things in such a different way. Creativity can be experienced through so many different things such as putting a bouquet of flowers together, landscaping, cooking, or even organizing. The possibilities are endless, so embrace your creative connection and allow for yourself to expand!
Questions asked by Jocelyn Bates include:
1. Is there a connection is speaking to your soul or higher self through creativity?
2. How can people use creative expression as a form of healing?
3. Is there a way to easily start addressing the inner critic or external rules that were part of your conditioning of creativity?
4. At times when you are creating, many artists lose time and space. Where does the artist go during that time, and what is that space? 5. How can you begin channeling through creative expression? 6. What is the best way to find insights through our creativity?
Bio on Jocelyn: Jocelyn is a Certified Soul Art Guide, Akashic Records Guide, Yoga Nidra Guide and Human Design Coach. She is also an Expressive Arts Therapist/Intermodal. She’s been working with people for over 25 years in different capacities to help them find their authenticity and purpose in life. Two and a half years ago she lost her parents seven days apart and she’s been traveling through her grief ever since. The journey of Grief has widened her lens, honed her creativity and brought into perspective her Life’s Story "I am honored to help others to see their power, to shift out of blocks, to feel their worth, to find their purpose, to sit at the seat of their creativity, to love themselves, to find comfort in their body, to truly live their best life.”
https://www.jocelynbates.net https://insighttimer.com/JocelynBates https://www.instagram.com/soulsessionsbyjocelyn/ https://www.facebook.com/jocelyn.bates.5